Wednesday, 31 December 2014

It Is So!

It's been a while since my last post and I am excited to share.
So much has happened and through it all, I am so sure something super awesome is about to happen.
I'm sitting here thinking that I don't want to be regret my decisions. As a wife and mother, I realized my life is not my own. Yes it belongs to God, but having a family, I have to constantly think of them. My plate is always full. I'm constantly tired, but never get enough rest...and where does my help come from. It comes from God. I depend on Him for every bit of strength I need. Even today I felt so tired of everything going on, I felt like giving up. But as I realized what I'm about to do, 2015 flashed before me and I just felt the excited rising within me.
If God could carry me through 2014, why not 2015. He can, but it all depends on me. I have been given the key. I have allowed so much and God had to allow it. If I disallowed the hurt, pain, tears and confusion, God would have disallowed it as well. I am so aware of my surroundings right now and I definitely know better, and I will do better. It will be to please my God and not people. I will boldly say, that NOTHING will separate me from the love of God.
2015, I speak to you in the name of Jesus. God is my everything. He is my Jehovah Jireh.

In His Love

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Monday, 7 July 2014

Home made baked bread with beef filling

1kg all purpose flour
1 pkt dry yeast
Salt (according to your taste buds)
1/4 cup milk
1 cup luke walk water (depending on texture of dough)
1 tbs sugar
1 tbs butter

As desired

1 large bowl
Add flour, yeast, salt and sugar
Mix together
Add milk and knead
Gradually add water and knead
Dough should be soft with earlobe texture.
Closed bowl up and let rise for an hour or till double in size.
Then add softened butter and knead
Bake balls and let raise again for another 20 to 30 minutes
Then you add cold filling and close roll up
Brush with egg yolk and put in over
Bake for 45min at 200 degrees until golden brown
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Sunday, 6 July 2014

Don't forget...

I love my husband and kids so much, that I sometimes forget to breath. I forget about me. I forget to examine/assess myself. And when I do come to my senses, I start hating myself, because what I see when I do assess myself, is not what I want to see. That is the mistake so many of us make. We start asking the question "WHY?" Instead of "HOW?"
We have to love unconditionally. We have to die to self and esteem others higher. But you know what, if it does not come naturally, it's probably loving not with a Godly love.
I think I sometimes battle with that, but God is so faithful. He reminds me that I am important too. I cannot love my husband, or my kids so much that I forget about myself.
God loves me so much, but He will never forget about Himself. I have to love... I need to love... I want to love, but it has to be a love that pleases God.
As a wife, as a mother, I need to love myself in order for me to be healthy. Loving myself enables me to see my husband and kids in a better way.
When I battle with myself, and not love myself, I will never be able to freely love my husband, kids and others the way God wants me too. I am important to God if others don't see me as that. I am obligated to love myself in order for my kids to see that, that is important.
In His love

Sent from my BlackBerry®

Friday, 27 June 2014

You don't have to be unfair...

"You can only grow if you're willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." ~Brian Tracy
Speak to your daughter about what is making her feel awkward or uncomfortable.
I have a daughter and I can say we are in a time of powerful bonding. I am granted a life with my daughter which was a longing for many years. She is only 17 years old, and we now have a beautiful and rewarding relationship.
Mom's we have to realise, that what you are going through has a personal effect on your daughters. I am so guilty of this, but oh so grateful for a chance to make things right and to be the mom I should have been from day one.
I do however believe the trial, issues and emotions I went through was necessary. I am so much wiser and ready to be a mom.
If you have daughters that are still very young, now is the time for you to get over your emotions. Now is the time for you to think before you act, be wise with words you utter and see the awesome transformation in yourself and especially in your daughters.
We can no longer wake up when your kids are out of the house, raising their own families. It will be too late. They will either raise their families with the very same issues, emotions and hatred you reared them, or they will do it different.
The no communication or bad communication factor between mothers and daughters cannot continue for generations and generations to come. It has to stop here and right now. You mom, has to decide.
I remember there was a time when I was hurting so bad, and taking my frustrations out on my daughter, just made things worse. I felt worse afterwards and the only thing my daughter longed for, was her mommy. I thank God for Jesus. I thank God for using Paul to write Roman 12:2. "Do NOT be conformed to the things of this world, but YOU be transformed by the renewing of your mind...."
The problem with today's mother's are, they focus too much on a husband who feels so trapped by the wife's nagging, or by their own faults, pushes the husband further way and they forget about their kids.
Your husband Is a grown man who can be very immature in their ways of thinking. What is your job mom, keep calm and pray, not about them, but for them and leave it with God.
Get your relationship right with your son's and daughters.
For one hour everyday, take your eyes off of your husband, your bills, your friends and spend time with your daughter or your son.
Think about your struggles and ask yourself, do I want this for my daughters and sons?
I want to challenge you not to ask "WHY is this happening?"
But change the question to;
"How can I prevent this from happening?"
Trust me, you will have the answer sooner that you think.
Life can be really unfair, but you don't have to be.
I hope my writing has touched a mom or a mom to be, today.
God bless
In His Love

Monday, 2 June 2014

#RELAX, Open your heart, #LOVE is on the way

There are so many things happening in our daily lives. Husband's and wives turning against one another. Children standing up to the parents even grandchildren have no respect. Husband, wife, I want to ask you a question today. WHAT ARE YOU BRINGING INTO YOUR HOME? 
Whatever happens outside your homes, should not affect your home. What you do and bring into your home, affects your home. Husband if you don't have respect for your wife, how do you expect your sons and daughters to respect their mother. Wives, I ask us the same question.
Stop stressing about everything happening and do what the scriptures says: “Relax, everything’s going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!” – Jude 1:2 (MSG).
As long as we play our role, relax in Christ, God will do the rest. If your husband doesn't want to look after you when you have the flu, deal with it by letting go and let God. Look after yourself. After all, he ain't your mother. he is your husband, and men are different to woman. Praise God for the man/husband who does look after his wife.
Do your part and let love be your motivation for a changed marriage. I am writing this, because I know what I'm talking about. I know what it is to really want my husband to look after me in a way I know is sometimes impossible. I know what it is to force my husband to do things that made him fall short of the glory of God. NOW, I thank God for my husband who tries his best.
STOP stressing #‎RELAX‬, everything's coming together, open your hearts,#‎LOVE‬ is on the way...


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Best Friends In Marriage

The Bible repeatedly says of marriage that "a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife." The message is clear; our spouse should be our best friend. If they are not, we need to get this right.


What are some qualities of a best friend?

* A desire to be together. This is why I believe a weekly date is so key to staying in love with your mate.

* Great communication. Best friends can talk about anything.

* Loyalty. Best friends are loyal. They keep confidences.

* Willingness to forgive. They accept one another and are so committed to the friendship that they choose to forgive and work through it, even when the other friend lets them down.


Is your spouse your best friend? If so, thank God for a marriage like He has in mind. If not, ask God to forgive you and to help you forgive your spouse, and make a commitment with your spouse to become best friends.

A special thank you to RFTH Ministries


In His love



When God's Word says of marriage, "A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife," the word cleave means to "join together," "to glue," or "to cement." This implies that there will always be pressures on the marriage to pull apart.

Pressures like:

* Busyness that leaves little quality time.

* Work can become all-consuming.

* Demands of children. Children are a blessing and we feel so responsible, but our spouse is to come first.

* Money, how it's earned, saved, consumed, or wasted. It can become an idol and put before our spouse.

* Health problems.

This is the reason wedding vows include "in sickness and in health. "Infidelity." This is the big one. This one can be devastating.

Yet when a husband and wife commit to cleave, no matter what, and look to God for strength and help, a marriage can withstand any pressure that seeks to pull it apart.

A special thank you to RFTH Ministries


In His love


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Dear Stay-at-Home Mom,

You are a gift of God to your husband and your kids.
But you don’t always feel that way, do you?
There’s a low-level feeling of guilt that creeps into your heart from time to time. Sometimes it bubbles over into tears, usually on lonely, difficult days.
You scan blogs and read books about being a good mom. You find some helpful tidbits here and there, often from women who are grandmothers now. Women you can learn from but who seem to have forgotten the struggle. They seem to have it all together.In your heart, you want to be the kind of mom who trains up kids to make a difference for the kingdom. You know it’s an honor to be entrusted with these kids. You know you’ve only got one shot. You want to be the mom who teaches them the Bible, models how to pray, and trains them up in the fear of the Lord.
But most of the time you feel like you’re barely holding it all together.
Your house cleaning can’t keep up with your kids’ mess-making.
The kids embarrass you by acting up right when your guests arrive.
Your husband doesn’t get just how worn out you are by the end of the day.
You come to the end of your patience. You lose your temper. Then you feel worse.
The last thing you consider yourself to be is a “good mom.” And you think to yourself, It’ll be a miracle if my kids turn out okay.
And – surprisingly – that’s right where God wants to meet you. The place where you admit your powerlessness and your need for Him.
It’s only by God’s grace that any kid grows up to be a force for the kingdom.
You see, there are no perfect kids and no perfect mothers. No matter what you read in blogs, see in magazines, and learn in books. There are sinful kids and sinful moms and dads.
And the only thing greater than both is the grace of God. The God who says “there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” The God who loves to forgive, to transform, and empower.
God loves you – not because you are a good mother but just because you are His precious child.
God loves you – not because you’ve mastered all the skills of parenting but because He has.
It’s divine grace that will transform your parenting – not guilt.
It’s grace that will keep you going and serving and scrubbing when you’re exhausted and worn out.
It’s grace that will conquer your feelings of inadequacy and remind you of God’s love for you in Christ.
It’s grace that goes for the heart of your kids, not just their behavior.
God has demonstrated the fullness of His love for you through the cross of His Son, even while you were still a sinner.
He has promised you His presence.
He has spoken His approval over you in Christ.
He is the perfect Father who delights in you as a daughter.
Find in Him your Treasure and Joy. Be to others what He is to you.
So walk in freedom. Let Him hold you together when everything seems to be falling apart.
Bask in His unfailing love for you. And rest in His promise of power.
Written by:
The Gospel Coalition Blog

Your job description....

This simply means finding some time during the day to meet with the Lord. It doesn’t have to be before all the kids are awake. It doesn’t have to be in the pre-dawn stillness. Your job is to love God. How you make that happen can look a million different ways and it all depends on you.
Your second job is to love and serve your husband. Husbands are to do the same for their wives, but that’s for a different post. If your husband really likes homemade bread, maybe you could make it for him. But don’t make homemade bread simply because you see other moms posting pictures of their homemade bread on Facebook.
Your calling as mom is to love your kids and teach them to follow the Lord. They don’t need to know Latin by age six. If they do, more power to you. But that’s a bonus, not part of the job description. Your job is simply to love your kids with all your exhausted heart, and to teach them to love Jesus. That’s a high calling. Don’t go throwing in other, extraneous things to make your life more difficult. If you want to teach your kids to sew, great. But don’t be crushed by guilt if your kids aren't making stylish blazers by the age of 10.

Moms, Jesus want you to rest in him. He wants you to chill out. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. Don’t compare yourself to other moms. Don’t try to be something God hasn’t called you to be. If the mom blogs are making you feel guilty, stop reading them. Be faithful to what he has truly called you to do, and know that he is pleased with you. When your kids are resting, don’t feel guilty about watching an episode of “Lost”, or whatever your favorite show may happen to be.
Love God, love your husband, love your kids. Keep it simple and chill out.
If all moms and wives just stick to what they have been called to, there will be less problems in homes and our kids and husbands will listen to the instruction given to them.

Friday, 16 May 2014


Your words affect your wife. Bless your wife with your words. She needs your approval. She has given her life to love you and care for you. You will cause terrible problems if you are always finding faults. There are so many women today that live defeated and depressed lives because their husbands refuse to bless them with their mouths. You are speaking death and destruction to your marriage. Instead, tell your wife you love her and appreciate her. O Delbert. My wife knows I love her. I told her when we got married forty years ago. You need to tell her you love her and that she is the best thing that ever happened to you today.

JOKE: An 85-year-old couple, died in a car crash. The wife had kept them in good health by insisting on eating bran muffins and doing exercise. When they got to heaven, St. Peter took them to their mansion which had a beautiful kitchen, Jacuzzi, everything. The man asked how much it would cost. St. Peter said nothing. This was heaven. St. Peter then took them to the back yard where there was a championship-style golf course that changed every week to a different course like on earth. The man asked again how much it would cost. Peter said again that it would cost nothing because this was heaven. Peter then took them to the clubhouse where there was a lavish buffet full of food from all over the earth. The man asked again how much it would cost. Peter said again that it would cost nothing. The man asked where was the low fat and low cholesterol tables. Peter said there were none because in heaven that no one would ever get fat or sick. The man went into a rage, threw his hat down and began jumping on it. He looked at his wife and said, "This is all your fault! If it had not been for your blasted bran muffins and treadmill, I could have been here ten years ago!" That was a joke and we men need to appreciate the fact that she cares.

The opportunity to be the perfect dad

If they get the idea that God is mean and critical and belittling, the child will grow up with a distorted view of God. But if you will display the love and encouragement of God, your child will see God in a healthy way.
So Dads, here you have the perfect opportunity to be the best dad ever to your child.
Some of you have children that are grown and maybe live a distance away. You should pick up the phone and tell them how proud you are of them and how much you love them. You will be amazed how that will add direction to their lives.
‪#‎DontWaste‬ ‪#‎ThisOpportunity‬
God is on YOUR side


                Spring onions give flavour to these flaked fish and mashed potato puffs served with a tasty sweet chilli sauce.

•             Recipe serves4-6

•             Preparation time25 minutes

•             Cooking time20 minutes


•             3 tbsp Oil, for deep frying

•             1 sachet KNORR Garlic and Herb Potato Bake

•             1 Pinch Robertsons Salt and Pepper to taste

•             2 Eggs

•             30 g Melted margarine

•             5 ml Spring onion, finely chopped

•             180 g Mashed potato

•             250 g Cooked fish

•             200 sweet chilli sauce for dipping


•             Beat eggs thoroughly and flake the fish.

•             Mix all ingredients into the eggs and beat until smooth and fluffy.

•             Heat oil in a deep frying pan.

•             Drop spoonfuls of the mixture into hot oil and fry until golden brown for 2-3 Minutes.

•             Drain on paper towel.

•             Serve with sweet chilli sauce as a dipping sauce.


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

She Rises....Does He?

Ladies, you see the attached picture, that scripture is not for us to be arrogant or to boast about it. 
Men, if you are that one husband who does what that scripture says, PRAISE GOD! I pray God's blessing and supernatural strength on your life, and to continue doing good in your home. 
However, there are men who absolutely does nothing in the home. I don't believe the woman has been created to slave away all day and it shouldn't be expected of her to do so. We do get tired and we do need help. God said, "That's why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person." Genesis 2:24
To me that says, what the woman does, the man can do as well. Again men, this is not to break anybody down, but to build. If you are teachable, good on you. If you're not, I pray you that you will pray for revelation upon the revelation you have received on what your roles are and what the wife's roles are.
Did you know that being ignorant, you can break up your home?
Ignorance is knowing but you choose to ignore. I chose to cut that word out of my life. If I see I can do something for my husband and my kids to make them feel better, I do it and not be ignorant. Husband/ Wives, let's do and give our best to our spouses. We need it. We are not immortal, we need eachother to be complete.
Our Father and our God. Daddy, we need Your help to complete eachother in this life. I pray for wives to be patient. Daddy God, I pray for husbands to see the need in their wives and to remove ignorance from their lives. I pray for understanding and LOVE to be evident in Jesus name. We need you Daddy, we need You to teach us. Amen
While you're here, thank you for visiting. Please click on the link below and like our Dear Married Woman page. I belive you will be blessed. A special thank you to my husband( Marco Anthony Britz) for your love. I know you try your best and for the men who joined this group or liked our page, GOD BLESS YOU!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Your choice

This choice will always be yours. Don't ever make the wrong ones, you will end up hurt.

Thursday, 8 May 2014


I used to ask myself, why do I still bother to be nice? Why do I still fight for to make things right? Why do I still for love? This is what God said; "Why do you fight? What is your problem, that you fight so much?" You should submit to my word, and just be still. You are not almighty, I Am the Almighty One and in your own strength, you Leslene, will fail miserably. So STOP IT and just do what 1 Corinthians 13 says;

LOVE never gives up.
LOVE cares more for others than for self.
LOVE doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
LOVE doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end."

In His Love


                By using ready-made pancakes this light supper can be whipped together in no time at all.          

•             Recipe serves4-6

•             Preparation time15 minutes

•             Cooking time30 minutes


•             15 ml olive oil

•             4 Chicken breasts, cubed

•             ½ Onion, chopped

•             125 g Mushrooms, roughly chopped

•             1 KNORR Chicken and Mushroom Pan Dry Cook-in-Sauce

•             300 ml Milk

•             10 Ready-made pancakes

•             100 g Blue cheese, crumbled

•             1 KNORR Creamy Cheese Sauce

•             1 Cup Cream

•             100 ml Flaked almonds, toasted


•             Heat oil in a frying pan and brown the chicken and onion.

•             Add the mushrooms.

•             Stir in the KNORR Fresh Ideas Chicken & Mushroom Pan packet contents and milk, simmer for 10 minutes until thickened.

•             Lay pancakes out and spread the chicken filling into the centre.

•             Top with blue cheese.

•             Roll pancakes up and place in a baking dish alongside each other.

•             Prepare the KNORR Creamy Cheese Sauce by heating the cream in a small saucepan and whisking in the packet contents.

•             Bring to the boil and whisk until thickened.

•             Pour over the pancakes and top with a little remaining blue cheese and toasted almonds.

•             Place under the grill for 5 minutes and serve immediately.


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Woman will fight this...

This verse is probably hated by more women than any other verse in the Bible. The spirit of rebellion will not sit idly by in the heart of a woman when she hears the words, "he shall rule over you." To a woman, these words confront her unbelief and mistrust in her husband; is evidence of not loving her husband. Love believes all things.

A wife's desire for her husband will naturally result in her giving him authority over her, because she believes he has taken full responsibility for her.

The marriage should progress with the husband initiating and the wife completing. Should a change be required or should something need to be initiated, it is the husband's responsibility and duty to start the actions. The wife is to look to her husband and help him bring about solutions.

Does this mean that the husband is to blame when something goes wrong; if the marriage fails? No. Taking responsibility is not concerned with finding fault and placing blame; signs of immaturity. Taking responsibility is focused on improvement and correction – doing it better.


The husband should listen to the advise of his wife and take it into consideration in his decisions. Her incites are of value. She will perceive things he may have overlooked. With  ×™ְהוֹוָ×”Yahuah (Yahweh), husband and wife in one accord, the right decisions will result.


In His Love


Tuesday, 6 May 2014

The Issue Here Is:

The issue here is how husband and wife treat each other in a Christian marriage. Remember, you will answer to Christ as to how you treat your wife. If you beat her, insult her, demean her, and crush her spirit, Christ will be very unhappy with you. It is not your job to force her to submit. She will answer to Christ for her response to you. if she adhere to what the word says, she will have no choice but so submit.

Here is your role in a Christian marriage.


•Love her as you do your own body, and as Christ loves you (Ephesians 5:25, 28). Keep her best interests at heart always.

•Cherish and nourish her, and help her to reach the full potential Christ has for her (Ephesians 5:29). This also means to support, take care of, and protect her. Treat her as special and important – the greatest gift you will ever have.

•Live with her tenderly, gently, and faithfully. Avoid grudges and bitterness (Colossians 3:19). Give her great honor and understanding (1 Peter 3:7).

•You are the head of the home, but if you are wise, you will listen very carefully to the wisdom God has given your wife. A good general always listens to his advisors. Remember, you and your wife are two sides of one union (1 Corinthians 11:11, 12). Be careful how you exercise authority. Just as a worker will quit a domineering boss, a wife will quit a domineering husband.

Please visit and like our Dear Married Woman page.


In His Love





How do you see marriage?

Marriage is a covenant; not a partnership or a contract. Partnerships and contracts are agreements of "consideration given for consideration received."  A covenant is not made primarily to gain value nor to exchange one thing for another. It is not maintained by both parties meeting their obligations; it is the giving one's self regardless of the return value. A covenant is forever or until it can no longer be done, "until death do us part." This covenant establishes a "home." A marriage covenant establishes a preference in relationship greater than parent and child. A marriage covenant creates a new reality that the whole of creation accepts, including the Creator.


This is why a divorce is more than breaking a contract. A divorce rips the very fabric of the soul when the marriage covenant is broken. A broken vow, an oath that is breached, or a pledge not fulfilled is an internal dilemma reaching deep into the person that no soothing balm can reach.  A broken contract can be solved by paying for the damages, but the damage of a broken covenant continues long after.


In His Love


Thursday, 1 May 2014

She needs to be looked after.

This is a small portion of my testimony and the lessons I had to learn through my husbands actions and choices.
I remember the times earlier in our marriage when I would sit up nights, waiting for my husband to come.
There were some of these night that I wouldn't pray for him, because I was so emotionally scared and so tired. I would beg God to make it stop. I would talk to God about my husband, and I would refuse to ask God to help to see him through the eyes of God(the way God sees him).
When he would come home, I was so quiet and just silently thanked God for bringing him home safe.
Some of you reading this might even be saying; "this woman was crazy. I would never wait up for him like that."
Well, it might seem crazy, today I am not sorry I did. When I look at my husband, I give God all the glory for not giving up on me when I felt like giving up on my husband. I could give up on him. What would happen to him if I did. Non of the friends he had would be there for him.
They would never give him a place to stay, not even his family would take him. I married him for better or worse, till death do us part. Today, we are more in love than ever before.
Today, I know God has called me to encourage you who feel there's no hope for your marriage.
Look at me, read my story, see me Leslene as victorius and the wife who trusted(still do) God for healing in her marriage.
"Nothing is impossible with God." - Luke 1:37
I don't care what people say about me or my husband. God delivered us and He can do the same for you. When you feel wanted and looked after, take it to the Lord in prayer.
In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Monday, 28 April 2014

It will never stand...

My house was so divided, I just had to do something. I had to put pride aside, be the least, uplift my husband and trust God for the rest.
Nobody wants a divorce. There's so much you have to consider(kids, house, bills) and not to mention what the people might say. People do not know what you're going through in your home. They judge, they make their own assumption and they even blame and it causes even more division. I want to tell you today, the word of God says "...nd if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. ..." Mark 3:25
Stop the division and work together. Forget about what the world says. Forget the friends who are vocal about your failing marriage and thank God for Grace who enables you to pray for your spouse.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Sex in marriage

Sex in Marriage

"Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge." - Hebrews 13:4
How's your sex life?

Have you bought into the idea that the best, the most enjoyable, most intense sex is always found outside of marriage? We are constantly bombarded with this message by the media: TV, movies, internet, books and songs.

This message is a lie. It is the exact opposite of what God had in mind when He invented sex. Any sex that is outside the context of committed love in marriage is always less than the best. It brings emotional harm, broken relationships, turmoil, and guilt. Now that might sell movies and books, but in the end, it will destroy a person's life. God intended sexual intimacy to be His great gift for marriage and marriage alone. He knows how it is best enjoyed.

So seek to trust the inventor of sex in order to experience the sacred enjoyment that God has in mind for you. Quit settling for second best. Seek God's best for the best sex. 
In His love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Two is better than one

Two is indeed better than one. Are you alone or do you have your wife/husband to help you or do you have a friend besides Jesus giving all kinds of advice? If you have a friend like that who does not say what God says, get rid of them. That is called a 3rd party from another kind. The only 3rd party in your marriage should be the word of God. What happened between Adam and Eve, a 3rd party entered(Satan) and they were tricked. They lost everything. I don't want to happen in my marriage, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that either.
If you are vulnerable today because of what's happening in your marriage, and you receiving advice from a male or female friend, STOP taking that advice right now. Get your emotions under controle and start reading the word of God. Get in contact with a Bible based group and start praying for your husband/wife.
Thwo is better than one. There are great rewards when you stand together. Let God be the 3rd string that binds your marriage and makes it stronger. My friend I know what I'm talking about. God is the center of my marriage and I won't allow any 3rd party to give advice that does not serve Christ and serve us with the word of God.
While you are here, thank you for taking the time to read this post.
Please click on the link below and like our page.
In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Dad, your son needs help.

Do you respect your mother? (should you still have one)
Do you respect your wife?
1. Teach your son to respect his mother, and you will see he'll respect his wife.
("Honor your father and mother." This is the first commandment with a promise:" Eph. 6:2
Are you a faithful husband?
2. Study the Word of God and walk in the Spirit. Stay true to your Lord and to your wife. ("…And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.") Gal. 2:20
Are you a thoughtful husband?
3. Be mindful of those little things that speak love to the other person. Look after those around you and quietly bless them with a touch of kindness. ("Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.")Col. 3:12
Are you a husband who works diligently?
4. Learn to work hard and to work well. Be a good steward of your talents and your time. ("Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,") Col. 3:23
Did you live a pure life as a young man?Abstain from immorality. Don’t look at it and don’t participate in it. “There is power in purity.”
5. Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart." 2 Tim. 2:22

In His Love


               Try this posh take on the humble fishcake! Perfect to serve hot or cold!

•             Recipe serves Makes 6 fishcakes

•             Preparation time20 minutes

•             Cooking time30 minutes


•             1 tin (425 g) pilchards in tomato sauce, deboned and flaked

•             ½ onion, grated

•             1 sachet KNORR Garlic and Herb Potato Bake

•             15 ml lemon juice

•             30 ml freshly chopped coriander

•             400 g potatoes, peeled and cubed

•             flour for dusting

•             Sunflower oil for frying


•             Boil potatoes in salted water until tender then drain and mash

•             In a bowl combine the flaked pilchards (no sauce), mashed potatoes, grated onion and contents of the sachet of KNORR Garlic and Herb Potato Bake, lemon juice and chopped coriander

•             Shape into patties then dust with flour

•             Heat oil in a pan and fry the fishcakes on both sides until golden brown then remove and drain on paper towel

•             Serve with a fresh green salad and a dollop of mayonnaise


Thanks to Portia Hoffman who faithfully sends the recipes.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Midlife Crisis - Ruby Wives

Ruby Wives
Mid-life crisis is real. Men in their middle age go thru a time of revaluating their accomplishments, their purposes, etc. It's also when many marriages end up in divorce. It doesn't have to be this way. When you see your husband going thru depression or struggling with his identity- Here is a few things you can do as a wife:

1. Pray for him daily. Ask God to give him the mind of Christ. Pray that his mind is renewed daily by the word of God. That the voice he hears is God's and not the lies of the enemy. Pray against depression, confusion, fear, and stress.

2. Remind him of his successes. If he seems like he struggles with feeling like a failure remind him of how great he is as a husband, father, lover, etc. Men thrive on praise even if they won't admit it.

3. Make sure his stress levels are lowered. Men during mid-life get tempted with the lie that they should just start over and the stresses and fears will somehow fade away. That's why you see men buying new cars, going to the gym all of a sudden, dating younger women...They think a new slate will bring a better life. Alleviate any un-necessary household stresses. Home should be peaceful, full of love and be a safe haven. Nobody desires to come home to a house of chaos, screaming, contempt, etc. Cut back on overspending, remove clutter and organize if your there's areas in the home that are messy.

4. Show genuine appreciation of what he does to provide and lead his family. A man who feels celebrated and feels like his efforts are producing good results will generally not desire to leave. He feels like his efforts matter. This is so important to a man.

5. Make sure that your relationship is continually maintaining intimacy. Sex in marriage keeps a couple bonded emotionally. Never let the enemy walk in by having a spouse sleeping on the couch or other room. Lack of intimacy is a door open for temptation of affairs. Never assume that your marriage is risk free from affairs. Assuming is being naïve. Be wise and keep the marriage bed alive.

6. Make goals and plans dreams together as husband and wife. People who have no vision....Perish. When a couple dreams and goes on adventures together- they always have something to talk about. Boredom is a killer in marriage. Boredom causes restlessness. Men in mid-life get restless and bored...They lack vision and focus. A man who has a plan and a goal has somewhere to go...Keep your marriage moving forward always.

7. As a wife...Keep yourself vibrant, healthy, growing spiritually and intellectually. Always strive to keep yourself looking your best. Women who let themselves go and don't try to maintain themselves get stuck in frump girl mode. A pretty woman is a happy woman. If you need to go to the gym and lose a few it. You deserve to feel good about yourself. And your husband deserves to have his bride looking and feeling amazing. We all go through frump girl stages, but to stay in it and not care anymore is damaging to you and your marriage. Maybe it's time for some new underwear and clothes. Maybe a fresh new hair cut or color. Get a pair of high heels and a pedicure. A new workout routine to keep you feeling energetic. A confident woman is a beautiful woman. Men are visual creatures...You should always try to be your best for yourself and your man.
Written by Jenny Williams, Ruby Wives Copyright 2014
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Monday, 14 April 2014

A Love letter to me from my husband - 14/04/2014

Dear Leslene,
I knew from the moment that I first met you that I wanted you in my life. Your dark brown eyes and beaming smile made you irresistible to me. I loved all of the many long phone conversations, fun dates, standing by home and experiences we had while we were dating. I always felt like I had won a huge prize to be able to be by your side at every occasion. Every place we went was better because you were with me.

Having the pleasure of you as my bride has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have not always been the best of husbands, but you have stood by me in good times and bad. As we have been married these almost 18 years, you have continued to be the biggest star in the Universe to me. I can’t imagine anyone else but you being by my side. As we have learned to show the kinds of love and respect that we each need, I have gained a new understanding of how awesome God’s design for marriage could be. Your love for me has made me a better man. You have helped me be the leader over our family and given me the confidence to be God’s servant to you. I thank you for your faith and your love for God. I thank you for your desire to help other women love their husbands with the love of God. I love to see how your ministry is changing marriages in a way that is eternal and everlasting.
I am so proud of you as a mother to our two kids. You are so good at looking after their needs and instilling in them knowledge of Jesus’ love, grace, and salvation. They love every moment you spend with them and long for times when you will cuddle with them.
Thanks for going on this wonderful journey with me. You give my life purpose. You still are the girl of my dreams and all I could have ever hoped for. Who would have thought that after 2 kids and 18 years of marriage you would be in the best shape of your life? I marvel at your determination to be awesome in all aspects of your life. I know that whatever you set your mind to is obtainable and I admire your unquenchable spirit.
I still love the feel of your kiss. I still love the bond of your hug. I still love the relaxation of your massage. Thank you for loving me for who I am and treating me like a King.
I love you with all of my heart.
If your man is insecure about his leadership abilities because he’s been torn down and discouraged by family, friends, co-workers, etc., then you can do the following:

Let him know how highly you think of him.
Build him up. Speak highly of him in front of others.
Encourage him in his areas of strengths, talents and skills.
Praise him for the good things he’s doing in his life and praise him for what he’s doing in your marriage and family.
Praise him when he’s starting to lead.
If you have a tendency to lead, then take a step back from being in control of your marriage and family life. Keep handing the reins over to your husband.
Pray for the Lord to give him a desire to grow as the leader of his family.
Ask him questions about how he wants things to happen in your marriage, family and home life. He may not have answers right away, but give him time to process. When he does know what he wants then make sure you follow his lead without grumbling, criticizing and second-guessing his decisions. Remember, you are wanting to build him up so he’ll continue to lead.

In His Love
Written by: signature copy

Pickled fish

·2 lb yellowtail, scaled and filleted, skin left on
·5 cloves garlic
·2 large onions
·1 cup grape vinegar
·½ cup water
·½ cup golden brown sugar
·8 peppercorns
·4 cloves
·4 allspice berries
·2 bay leaves
·1 Tbsp masala (curry powder)
·2 tsp cumin, ground
·2 tsp coriander, ground
·1 tsp turmeric
·coarse salt, as needed
·oil, as needed for frying
Cape Malay Pickled Fish, delicious cold with salad

Roughly chop the garlic
Peel and slice the onions into rings
Firm up the flesh of the fish, by sprinkling coarse salt on both sides of the
fillet and letting it stand in a glass bowl for 20 to 25 minutes.
Thoroughly rinse the fillet under running water. Pat it dry with a paper towel.
Cut the fish into serving portions leaving the skin attached.

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the fish until cooked through (Do not cover
the fish with flour or batter as normal in frying fish)

Place the rest of the ingredients in a large pot, bring to the boil, stirring
to ensure the sugar dissolves, and does not burn on the bottom of the pot. Then
simmer for approximately 8 minutes until the onions are cooked but still crisp.
Layer the pieces of fish and the sauce and onions alternately in a ceramic or
glass serving-dish.
Ensure that the last layer of fish is covered with sauce.
Leave to cool and then refrigerate.
Will keep for a week in the fridge.



If your husband is lacking leadership abilities because he didn't have a role model or his role model was a poor example while your man was growing up, you can do the following:

1. Pray for the Lord to bring Godly men into your husband’s life.
2. Encourage him to be in the Word of God. If this is not something he normally does, then make sure he sees you doing it. Your actions may spur him to get into the Word as well.
3. Encourage him to attend men’s conferences that are centered around the Word of God.
4. Encourage him to read books on Godly leadership that applies to marriage/parenting.
5. If he’s open to reading and learning, buy him a book or two for Christmas! But if he would be offended by this, then refrain from doing it.
6. Pray for the Lord to give him a desire to grow as the leader of his family.
7. If you’re leading, then take a step back so he can take a step forward.
8. Ask him questions about how he wants things to happen in your marriage, family and home life. He may not have answers right away, but give him time to process, and then when he does know what he wants, then follow his lead.

In His Love
Written by
signature copy


•             Recipe serves4-6

•             Preparation time25 minutes

•             Cooking time6 hours on low minutes


•             15ml sunflower oil

•             8 chicken thighs

•             250g rindless bacon rashers, coarsely chopped

•             2 leeks, pale section only, washed, ends trimmed, cut into 2cm-thick slices

•             250g button mushrooms, halved

•             2 garlic cloves, crushed

•             1 sachet KNORR Chicken Casserole Dry Cook-in-Sauce

•             125ml water

•             125ml white wine

•             10ml Robertsons Thyme

•             125ml cream

•             Mashed potato, to serve


•             Heat oil in a frying pan and brown the chicken thighs in batches then set aside

•             Place the browned chicken thighs into the bottom of the crock then add the bacon, chopped leeks, mushrooms and garlic

•             Add the contents of the sachet of KNORR Chicken Casserole Dry Cook-in-Sauce, water, white wine, and thyme

•             Stir well then place the lid on the crock and cook for 6 hours on low

•             When ready stir in the cream and serve with mashed potato

•             Tip – do not remove the lid from the crock unnecessarily during the cooking process – if you do you need to allow an extra 10 minutes cooking time