Wednesday, 14 May 2014

She Rises....Does He?

Ladies, you see the attached picture, that scripture is not for us to be arrogant or to boast about it. 
Men, if you are that one husband who does what that scripture says, PRAISE GOD! I pray God's blessing and supernatural strength on your life, and to continue doing good in your home. 
However, there are men who absolutely does nothing in the home. I don't believe the woman has been created to slave away all day and it shouldn't be expected of her to do so. We do get tired and we do need help. God said, "That's why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person." Genesis 2:24
To me that says, what the woman does, the man can do as well. Again men, this is not to break anybody down, but to build. If you are teachable, good on you. If you're not, I pray you that you will pray for revelation upon the revelation you have received on what your roles are and what the wife's roles are.
Did you know that being ignorant, you can break up your home?
Ignorance is knowing but you choose to ignore. I chose to cut that word out of my life. If I see I can do something for my husband and my kids to make them feel better, I do it and not be ignorant. Husband/ Wives, let's do and give our best to our spouses. We need it. We are not immortal, we need eachother to be complete.
Our Father and our God. Daddy, we need Your help to complete eachother in this life. I pray for wives to be patient. Daddy God, I pray for husbands to see the need in their wives and to remove ignorance from their lives. I pray for understanding and LOVE to be evident in Jesus name. We need you Daddy, we need You to teach us. Amen
While you're here, thank you for visiting. Please click on the link below and like our Dear Married Woman page. I belive you will be blessed. A special thank you to my husband( Marco Anthony Britz) for your love. I know you try your best and for the men who joined this group or liked our page, GOD BLESS YOU!

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