Marriage is a covenant; not a partnership or a contract. Partnerships and contracts are agreements of "consideration given for consideration received." A covenant is not made primarily to gain value nor to exchange one thing for another. It is not maintained by both parties meeting their obligations; it is the giving one's self regardless of the return value. A covenant is forever or until it can no longer be done, "until death do us part." This covenant establishes a "home." A marriage covenant establishes a preference in relationship greater than parent and child. A marriage covenant creates a new reality that the whole of creation accepts, including the Creator.
This is why a divorce is more than breaking a contract. A divorce rips the very fabric of the soul when the marriage covenant is broken. A broken vow, an oath that is breached, or a pledge not fulfilled is an internal dilemma reaching deep into the person that no soothing balm can reach. A broken contract can be solved by paying for the damages, but the damage of a broken covenant continues long after.
In His Love
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