I’m a broken woman in so many ways. I was broken before I came to Christ. I was broken before I got married. God has broken me after I walked down the aisle and He has broken me while I’ve been walking The Narrow Path.
I’m broken…..and I’m okay with that. However, I didn't always feel that way!
So as I write this post to you, dear friend, I write it as a broken vessel; one who is fully acquainted with:
Pain…rejections…persecutions…rejections…physical limitations
Heartaches…rejections…failures…depression…despair and oh, I can’t forget….rejections!
I’m a walking scar and I know it. Although my scars don’t define me, they have shaped me. But…..I’m transformed, made whole, and embraced by the One Who is Defined by His Scars.
So I get it. I get the hurting, the fear of the unknown, the disappointments, as well as the insecurities that one faces.
So this brings me to The Broken Husband whom I’m discussing today.
10 Things A Broken Husband Needs from His Wife
1. He needs your encouragement, not your rejection.
2. He needs you to forgive him for his failures and wrong choices.
3. He needs you to believe in him.
4. He needs you to intercede on his behalf.
5. He needs you to be his friend.
6. He needs you to love him for who he is and where he’s at rather than his potential.
7. He needs you to focus on your growth in the Lord rather than you focusing on his growth.
8. He needs you to minister to him. When my Beloved was broken, I made it my aim to build him up and speak the Words of Life into him as often as I could. I’d share the Scriptures with him by either reading him the Word or by writing verses and leaving them on his desk or chair. The word of God does not return void. (If he’s not a Believer and he’s hostile towards the Gospel message, then just pray for him and make sure your conduct is filled with love and grace.)
9. When your man is down, it’s easy for a wife to just take over….but I caution you not take this path without first asking your husband a boat load of questions. If your man feels emasculated by your leadership, he’ll withdraw even more. So tread lightly here. Continue to refer to him and find out how he wants things done and then follow through on his request.
10. You've got to be in the Word of God as if your life depended on it because that’s where your Source of Strength will come from. Put your hope in the Lord as you wait for God to move in your man’s heart.
“And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7
In His Love: Leslene
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