Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Speak edifying words only

Dear Married Woman

Women are the world's worst to get together and have a "talk about husband day" …and almost have a competition to see whose hubby has the worst faults. It is NOT acceptable to talk negatively about your husband. No excuses. We should always speak edifying words about him and be building him up to others (even if there are things about him that drive you BONKERS!!). It is so tempting to get sucked into that. YES, all of our men do things that drive us crazy. However, by nagging them or complaining to our girlfriends about it, that is NOT going to make him change. We especially have to be careful talking negatively about our spouse to our family….because it can change their opinion of them, and there is no undoing that. Sometimes we just may be mad temporarily, but that is not something they can erase from their minds as easily. Always, always talk to God about it before you open your mouth to anyone else. Lots of times you'll see that is enough "venting" to make you feel better. Do not tear your husband down to his face or behind his back. And on that note, it IS okay to PRAISE your husband. If he works hard, let him know you appreciate it. If you love that he always makes your coffee, give him some praise for that. If he's an AWESOME dad, let him know you think so. Whatever it is that you love or appreciate about him, TELL HIM. (It's funny how that works…men seem to thrive off praise and it makes them want to do more good things for you!)
In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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